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As an alum, can I still use the databases?

172 views   |   Last updated on Jun 04, 2024    Articles Summit Databases Books


You may still use the databases if you physically come to the library to do so. However, under the contract terms for database subscriptions, we may only provide off-campus access to current EOU students, faculty, and staff.

If you are able to come into the Library, you would need to check in at the front desk to sign a Community Patron Internet and Computer Use Agreement.

There are also several places you can search for freely available scholarly literature from off campus (not all articles have full text, but many do ):

  1. Google Scholar has an amazing number of links to open-access scholarly articles (when they are available, be sure to use the links to the right hand side of the citation, rather than clicking on the title).
  2. If you are in Oregon, the State Library and your local public library provide access to Gale databases, including Power Search and Academic Onefile, which have a lot of full text scholarly resources. 
  3. PubMed is medically focused, but includes a wide variety of scientific topics, some of which may deal with your topic.
  4. ERIC covers education topics, including some related psychology.
  5. Agricola is produced by the USDA and focused on agriculture and its subdisciplines (which include many topics you mightn not initially think of)